Pullar Business Consulting - Business Advise - Testimonials Pullar Business Consulting - Business Advise - Testimonials
Pullar Business Consulting - Business Advise - Testimonials
    Pullar Business Consulting - Optimising Business Outcomes Procurement Bid Review Specialist  
Pullar Business Consulting - Business Advise - Key Services
Pullar Business Consulting - Business Advise - Testimonials

'Rob is a first rate project manager and procurement specialist, with a detailed knowledge of ICT, and a strong track record of delivering results in what is often a complex and challenging environment.'

Alastair Merrill FCIPS
Former Director of Procurement and Commercial
Scottish Government


'I have known Rob Pullar professionally for over 16 years through our work together within the Scottish Government. During this period, I have found him to provide excellent and sound public procurement advice. He is also highly professional, approachable and unfailingly helpful. Over many years, both I and my staff have worked with him on a number of complex ICT procurements including the Framework for IT Services Scotland, Provision of an electronic Human Resources system, System Integration Services, Web Application Development and many more. He is a recognised expert in his field. Most recently, he has provided procurement assurance support to me in my role as Senior Responsible Owner of the Scottish Wide Area Network project. His input has been consistently excellent and I would be happy to recommend his services to others. He is a highly knowledgeable and pragmatic person who will, without doubt, bring understanding to companies wishing to do business with the public sector.'

Anne Moises
Chief Information Officer
Scottish Government

'I have known Rob Pullar (founder of Pullar Business Consulting) since 2003, firstly through being a prospective supplier to the Scottish Government, initially as Real Time Engineering and then later as Amor Group.

Over the years, I have found him very engaging and professional, always willing to give helpful, clear and objective public procurement advice. This has been a great benefit to us in our efforts to offer high quality bids for public sector work.

Rob is highly knowledgeable and pragmatic, and the advice he has given has proved to be invaluable to Amor.

I would not hesitate to recommend his services to others. The understanding he brings, by harnessing his recognised public procurement expertise and unique marketplace/stakeholder knowledge, is hugely beneficial to firms aiming to do public sector business, whether for the first time or when seeking repeat business'

Alastair O'Brien
Former Public Services Sector Director
Amor Group


'I have known Robert for over 10 years - since I was a junior sales person in Newell & Budge. Over the years Robert's advice has been invaluable to me. His deep understanding of government procurement coupled with his appreciation of the supplier perspective really helped us to understand how to bid for government work in a way that emphasised the real value our organisation had to offer. It also helped us to establish trusted relationships with Public sector customers.

I would recommend any organisation who is bidding for government work to seek advice from Robert. My only concern - that having Robert onside makes it harder for the rest of us to compete!'

Alison McLaughlin
Head of Public Sector and Utilities UK


'Rob has extensive knowledge of public sector procurement and a particular expertise in the Scottish marketplace. He is pragmatic, realistic and delivers on his commitments.'

Ailsa Chandler
Account Director


'I have known Rob Pullar for a number of years, in my role as a supplier of temporary staff services to the Scottish Government. Rob led and managed the procurement team which handled the delivery and management of the Human Resources and Information Communications Technology Service contracts. During this time the professionalism and skill of Rob and his team was very evident. On a professional level I have found Rob to be both engaging and supportive. He is clearly a knowledgeable senior public procurement practitioner as well as someone who works well with private companies. In light of this, I am confident that his knowledge and experience will be of great benefit to private sector companies of all sizes, who wish to do business with government'.

Nicola Barr FIRP CertRP
Director of Contracts
Pertemps (Scotland) Ltd


'Rob is a clearly talented business professional and someone who has been a pleasure to work with over the years and someone who I would be delighted to work with again in the future. A team player who has his eye on the task and project target, whilst able to ensure people are included in the project lifecycle.'

Bonnie Clarke
Director for Scotland
Badenoch and Clark


'I have known Robert for over fifteen years and he has been at the centre of some of the most significant IT procurements in the Scottish Public Sector during that time. He has an excellent reputation and capability. I am sure Robert will be able to add great value, particularly to SMEs, in responding to public sector IT requirements and significantly increase their chances of submitting winning proposals.'

Rab Campbell,
Former Account Director
CGI Scottish Public Sector


'I worked with Rob as a supplier to Scottish Government where he was our Contract Manager. In contrast to other experiences, I found Rob to be knowledgeable, understanding, and direct. It was a pleasure to deal with someone who was a subject matter expert, but with the ability to see the partnership aspects of a business relationship. Pragmatic, willing to look at mutually advantageous solutions and with an approach that included a great deal of humour, I'd be happy to recommend Rob to anyone looking for a realistic and effective approach.'

Steve White
Former Business Director – Scotland - TMP Worldwide

'I've known and worked with Rob Pullar over a number of years at the Scottish Government. He has an excellent reputation. I have found him to be very knowledgeable, particularly in the wide ranging and dynamic area of Information and Communications Technology procurement. With a broad and deep knowledge, he thinks both strategically and tactically, possesses excellent commercial skills, is highly motivated and has a proven ability to interact well with people at every level. Rob is also a great communicator and his written skills are first-rate. I wish him every success in his business and am confident he will be an asset to any companies wishing to do business in the public sector or indeed anyone in need of sound and practical procurement advice. '

Denis McFadden
Senior Portfolio Manager - ICT
Scottish Government


'On the occasions when I have sought advice or support from Rob Pullar I have always found him to be approachable, knowledgeable and highly professional.'

Stuart Lees
Head of Procurement
Registers of Scotland


'I have always found Rob to be a highly professional and supportive manager with a very keen eye for detail. His knowledge of public sector procurement together with his technical knowledge (most notably in the ICT space) and leadership skills has ensured delivery of high quality collaborative contracts which have improved service provision for the central government sector in Scotland and are delivering tangible value for money savings. I wish Rob every success for the future and would not hesitate to recommend him.'

Julie Gordon
Procurement Portfolio Manager - ICT Networks
Scottish Government


'Rob has been a colleague of mine for over 14 years. I have complete respect for him as a person and his professionalism.

I have always valued his input and trusted his judgement. He has always been willing to help and constructive. On projects that we have worked together Rob has demonstrated excellent organisational skills and a real commitment to deliver on timescales.

Rob is held in high regard by other colleagues and senior managers (including those out with the procurement function), and will be missed as he leaves the organisation. I wish him all very the best and have no hesitation in providing this recommendation.'

James Landels
Former Procurement Manager - Digital Infrastructure
Scottish Government

'I have known Rob for the last 6 years, working as a contractor for the Scottish Government, as a boss, a colleague and also a friend. During his time in the public sector he has seen and worked through significant change in Scottish public procurement. Because of this, his technical understanding of the process is better than most, and this means his input should always be listened to.

I would have no hesitation in recommending Rob to either seasoned bidders for public tenders or businesses looking to win public sector business for the first time. He knows what the customer is looking for, and he understands the way you will be evaluated. His input will help you to best represent your business.'

Fraser McCulloch
Former Procurement Manager
New South Wales Government


'I worked with Rob on several high value and critical projects covering all the complex parts of procurement and supply chain. For me, the thing that Rob did was to communicate the right requirements at the right time for the right reason. Without this kind of attitude and awareness, things tend to go wrong. Rob's input made the difference in delivering a project on time and demonstrating real value.'

Gerry Donaldson
CCR3 Performance Management

Pullar Business Consulting Services

BCS Professional Member

