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    Pullar Business Consulting - Optimising Business Outcomes Procurement Bid Review Specialist  
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Pullar Business Consulting - Business Advise - About Us

Our aim is to provide help, support and advice to companies wishing to bid for public sector contracts.

By way of background, Rob is an established public procurement expert. He has spent over 23 years in the public sector with many of those leading procurement at a senior level. A highly respected professional with specific expertise in Information and Communications Technology and Human Resources procurement, he has led diverse teams in placing large contracts for the public sector in Scotland. Not only does he possess the practical skills and knowledge, but he also holds membership of the British Computing Society and also corporate full membership of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (Graduate Diploma by examination).

Prior to leaving the civil service he also sat on senior level stakeholder groups for complex government projects and was the procurement advisor to the Scottish Government Chief Information Officer on the Scottish Wide Area Network project. This was the largest project of its type in Scotland. He was also responsible for drawing up the first Digital Public Services National ICT Procurement Plan and for conducting a comprehensive review of existing ICT contracts within the Scottish Government and recommending future strategy. Rob was also a key part of the Scottish Government Collaborative ICT Procurement Team, which won a Connect ICT Award, in June 2013 for outstanding team performance. These awards, which are run under the banner of the Holyrood Magazine, recognise public sector excellence in ICT.

In recent years, Rob was also the functional Head of ICT Procurement for the Scottish Government and remains part of an extensive network of procurement and ICT professionals across Scotland and the wider UK.

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Further details of Rob's skills and experience can be found on LinkedIn.

Pullar Business Consulting Services

BCS Professional Member

